Dmitri's Bucket of Projects

A log of Dmitri's various projects to capture useful information for others and himself.

New colors


So, Kim, what do you think of these? I found it at It was incomplete. I just finished and tweaked it some.

A second blog


I created a seperate blog for the HTPC project. I'll still discuss it here as decisions and progress are made. I'm using that blog to dump my brain so I can figure out all the decisions I need to make. By most accounts, an HTPC is usually an on going project with alot of analysis, and tweaking. Anyway, the knitting projects will still be here. I made some good progress on the scarf over the holiday break.

name it again Excuse the color, I had to play with the brightness so I could show a bit more detail. The color is the one from my previous post. I do have a feeling I'll need to frog it. :-( There are a few problems I'm seeing. First, my tension is off in a couple of spots and really bad in one spot. (grumble, train bouncing, grumble) The other problem in the curling in certain sections. I'm not sure how to avoid this, so Kim, I'll need your help on this one.

Tag.. I am IT, baby


OK, so I'm like IT, and I caught IT from my girlfriend, the notorious K.I.M. I think I have to answer some questions. If I'm wrong, Kim, let me know:
  1. How much space is left on your TIVO? Don't have one. Building one (see HTPC mention down below).
  2. What was the last TV show you watched before reading this message? What NBC in New York shows at 6 am in the morning.
  3. List five shows you won't miss. None. I like some shows but without a Tivo, I'm missing shows all the time.
  4. Three peeps to pass this on to? Will get back to this. I don't know many bloggers.

In other news, I'm not in the greater DC metro area. Ok like Northern Virginia. I frogged my test pattern for the scarf while taking the train down and got down to starting this scarf for real. The test pattern, I did 20 stitches, so for the scarf I'm going with 30 stitches which should be roughly 6 inches. I am using the 4 ply yard discussed in the previous post. I'm knitting with 2 strings of yarn instead of just one, and using a US 7 guage needle. Pictures To be posted shortly, as well as the final pattern, which I came up with on my own.

One shall stand and one shall fall.


One of my favorite movie quotes. Two points to who ever gets it. With a tiny god laid to waste, a new project shall rise to take it place. A knitting project.
I picked up some yarn at the local yarn shop, the day of the Patroit's victory. Anyway I picked up few skeins of an awesome shade (382) of Rowan 4 ply soft. They call it beetroot, I prefer to think of it as a nice Merlot color.

It's for a scarf. Originally I was going to take a pattern from a book, but after doing the test square with it, I decided not to. I'm going to try a few more test squares in a pattern I'm making up. Details, and pictures to follow once I find something I'm happy with.

So this weekend, Kim and I hit Flying Fingers Saturday morning. I picked up a set of needles, wood, number 7s, and a pattern book for sweaters, my big project for the year. The book is Arans & Celtics: The Best of Knitter's Magazine

No idea what color yet or even which pattern, but I'll get to that after I'm done with the scarf.