Dmitri's Bucket of Projects

A log of Dmitri's various projects to capture useful information for others and himself.

Projects, it's time to wrap you up.


Lots going on the Home Theater PC front. I'm getting to a point where I want to get that project wrapped up. I've been neglecting my knitting, and I don't have a very good excuse. I highly recommend the Minish Cap, though it's easier than some other Zelda games, still it has been a fun romp so far. Now that I'm about to wrap it up, I want to whip through my scarf, which I did end up frogging. I'd like to finish that up in a coupe of weeks, before the weather gets nice, and any reason to wear it will disappear for several months.


Blogger The MacKay Way said...

Sweetie -- looking forward to seeing the scarf chronicles as i travel! xoxo

3/23/2005 2:50 AM  

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